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2024 Celina Bass Club Bylaws





  1. This organization shall be called the Celina Bass Club (CBC), Celina, Texas.




  1. Form an organization of members who share the same passion for bass fishing and to have fun doing so.

  2. Meet and discuss Bass fishing as a sport, to improve our skills becoming better Bass Anglers as individuals and as a Club.




  1. To promote conservation and to improve the fishing skills of the membership through the fellowship of friendly exchange of Bass fishing techniques and ideas, and to promote and encourage young fisherman to become involved in the sport of Bass Tournament fishing.








  1. Be introduced or have his/her name submitted at a regular meeting by a CBC Member in ‘good standing’.

  2. Complete application/information form.

  3. Receipt of initial CBC dues.

  4. Maximum number of members is 60.




  1. Any person who has met the provisions for membership.

  2. Paid all fees and dues as applicable.

  3. A voting member in ‘good standing’-(member who has attended 50% of Club meetings).

  4. All CBC Members are encouraged to wear the Celina Bass Club jersey/cap during any CBC sanctioned tournament and/or any official CBC function.




  1. CBC Dues shall be $100.00 per year.

  2. Dues shall be paid in full at the First Meeting and no later than the Third Meeting. Dues shall be paid directly to the CBC Treasurer and annotated in the CBC’s financial record/journal.

  3. A new Member will be allowed to pay a pro-rated share of the reminder of the current year if it is past the 5th tournament of the year.

  4. Tournament Fees shall be $100.00 per (boat/team) which includes $50.00 tournament fee, $20.00 big bass, $10 .00-8lb pot (if eligible) and $20 classic fund.

Any angler my choose to fish an event as (solo team)/individual competitor but will be responsible for the entry fee equal to that of a two (2) person team ($50.00) plus $20.00 to the classic fund, plus    optional $10.00 big bass, plus $5.00 for the 8lb pot (if eligible).

  1. Tournament Fees are to be paid in full at the meeting prior to the CBC’s upcoming tournament directly to the CBC Treasurer or to any CBC officer in the absence of the Treasurer. Tournament Fees paid by anglers at the launch ramp will incur a $10.00 additional charge, which will be placed in the CBC general account. Tournament Fees not paid prior to launch will result in participant being disqualified for the tournament.  

  2. Members may bring 1 Guest per tournament.

  3. Guests must fish with a CBC member who is participating in the tournament

  4. Guests may fish in only 1 tournament per year.

  5. Guests with paid entry fee as part of the boat/team shall be eligible for prizes as well as Big Bass if paid the Big Bass Fee. Guest will NOT be eligible for the 8lb Progressive Bass Pot. Guests may not qualify for other Club programs.



  1. Current cash payout is for 1st, 2nd, 3rd

  2. Percentages per place are as follows.

First Place = 50% of tournament fees

Second Place = 30% of tournament fees

Third Place = 20% of tournament fees


Big Bass Pot = First Place at 70% and Second at 30% of the total Big Bass Pot Participants monies per the tournament.


8lb Bass = Total of Progressive Pot – 

If an 8lb fish is NOT caught all monies will be rolled over to the next month until an 8lb fish is caught during a regular season tournament. If an 8lb fish is not caught during tournament season all monies will roll over into the next season. Eligibility for the 8lb pot for new members ends once the pot reaches $500.00 but can become eligible once pot has been awarded. 



  1. Classic Championship Tournament Payout shall be the current payout schedule determined by the Club Officers. The current payout schedule is for seven places and pays Big Bass for both days of the Championship.




  1. Any CBC Member who fails to renew his/her membership by deadline set forth by Club Officers shall be automatically dropped from membership status.

  2. No CBC Member WILL BE eligible for any tournament prizes, awards, and total weight and points until his/her annual dues are paid in full and up to date by set deadline.

  3. The CBC Treasurer will coordinate with the CBC Tournament Director, Vice-President and Secretary prior to each meeting to ensure that award recipients are current (paid in full) on all appropriate fees.

  4. Any Member under the age of 18 may fish with a parent or guardian who is a member of CBC and must have a release of liability signed by parent or legal guardian to allow for participation in a CBC tournament.




  1. If an Ex-Member wishes to rejoin the CBC, he/she must again comply with ALL provisions of above SECTIONS 2.01, 2.02, and 2.03 AND will be taken under advisement by the BOARD/OFFICERS for final approval.




  1. The Celina Bass Club (CBC) is a social organization and membership is a privilege contingent upon compatibility with the ideas, ethics, and social standards of the majority of the CBC Members.

  2. If a CBC Member should for any reason bring shame upon the organization or become incompatible with most of the CBC Members, he/she may have his/her Membership revoked in accordance with the following procedures.

  3. If a CBC Member (Plaintiff) feels THAT another CBC Member (Defendant) no longer meets the criteria noted above the Plaintiff will “Privately” contact the CBC President and no one else in the CBC Membership about this issue. (Unless the complaint is against the CBC President, then the Member will contact the Vice-President).

  4. The Plaintiff will state his/her objection and declare his/her intent to call for “resignation vote” at the first meeting following notification to the current Member roster that such a vote will be taken.

  5. The CBC President will inform the (Defendant) a resignation vote has been requested and offer the Defendant an opportunity to resign.

  6. If the Defendant does not choose to resign, the CBC President will contact all the Officers of CBC informing them of this actin and will coordinate a meeting of all Officers, the Plaintiff, and the Defendant involved to attempt to resolve the issue without involving the CBC Membership which could cause and un-necessary disruption, conflict, and side-taking within the CBC Membership.

  7. Once this action had been filed with the President, “BOTH” the Plaintiff and the Defendant, including “ALL” Officers will not discuss this action with any Member of the CBC, for it could cause un-necessary disruption, conflict, and side-taking within the CBC Membership.

  8. The intent of the meeting is an “Unbiased” attempt to resolve the issue between the two Members for the good of the CBC and its Membership. If this meeting does not resolve the issue, then the CBC President will direct the CBC Vice-President to notify the CBC Membership that a hearing and vote is pending for the Member (Defendant).

  9. At the next meeting following notification, the Plaintiff will be given the opportunity to state their objections for continued CBC Membership of the Defendant.

  10. The Defendant will be offered an opportunity to rebut the claim(s).

  11. After both parties have presented their case, a call for a vote and second may be made.

  12. If seconded, a secret ballot will be taken.

  13. A 90% “NAY” vote by the present CBC Membership is necessary to revoke a CBC Member’s membership.







The Officers of the Celina Bass Club (CBC) shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary/Webmaster, Treasurer, Tournament Director and Assistant Tournament Director.


Duties of the President:


  1. Total responsible for ALL activities and/or events of the CBC.

  2. Responsible for ALL Public Relations.

  3. Over-all responsible for the CBC Membership.

  4. Preside over all regular meetings and functions of the CBC.

  5. Appoints all special committees as required.

  6. Serve as the CBC’s representative at all functions.






Duties of the Vice-President:


  1. Shall, in the absence of the CBC President or at the President’s request, assume all duties of the office of the CBC President.

  2. If the CBC President resigns, the CBC Vice-President BECOMES the CBC President.

  3. VP shall advise and assist the CBC President, as well as all the other CBC Officers, and all of the CBC Committees.

  4. Will conduct the ‘live well check’ prior to members launching their boats and will assist the CBC Tournament Director with the weigh-in process.

  5. Will assist in recording weights coinciding with the correct team/angler(s) using only the weights the Tournament Director calls out.


Duties of the Secretary/Webmaster:


  1. Shall keep a record of the proceedings and attendance of all regular meetings.

  2. Shall handle/write correspondence for the CBC when requested and shall keep a file of all such correspondence.

  3. Shall take photos at all CBC functions and tournaments, and post to the website.

  4. Shall notify all CBC Members who have not paid their annual dues prior to the March meeting after consulting with the Treasurer.


Duties of the Treasurer:


  1. Will be custodian of all funds of CBC.

  2. Will collect and receipt all dues and tournament entry fees due to CBC.

  3. Will issue all checks and/or cash for CBC tournament prizes.

  4. Will issue payment for all bills. Expenses over $100.00 will require approval of the CBC President.

  5. Shall maintain a complete financial journal of receipts, bills, canceled checks, cash received and dispersed that can/will be reviewed periodically as directed by the CBC President and/or other CBC Officer. Will ensure that at year end that no monies (other than 8# Pot and award monies) are carried over to the next physical year.

  6. Prepare and present a financial report at each monthly meeting.

  7. Will inform the executive committee whenever a member’s failure to pay dues that may result in a loss of the privilege of CBC Membership.

  8. Will assist the CBC President in preparation of an annual budget. The budget requires 2/3 approval vote from CBC Membership.

  9. All charges for printing, mailing, announcements, program expenses, transportation cost of out-of-town guest speakers, rental of films, web site fee, and other necessary equipment for CBC programs, etc. will be paid out of the CBC’s treasury.



Duties of the Tournament Director:


  1. Responsible to the CBC Membership for planning and coordinating all fishing tournaments for the CBC.

  2. Reports directly to the CBC President regarding all tournament requirements and/or conflicts affecting CBC tournaments.

  3. Works with the CBC VP to ensure the execution of all CBC tournaments are conducted in accordance with CBC Policies and Procedures, applicable state and federal laws, and that all equipment is on hand and available.

  4. Shall serve as the Monthly Tournament Judge. All decisions made by the Tournament Director are FINAL.

  5. Will coordinate with the CBC Treasurer to ensure all CBC Members and/or guests participating in a CBC tournament are paid in full prior to start time for all CBC tournament events.

  6. Will conduct weigh-in at the end of the monthly tournaments by physically measuring and weighing fish. These weights are recorded by the Vice-President.​




  1. Attend at least one-half of the regular CBC meetings during the past year (good standing).

  2. Be active in CBC functions and show interest in the growth and development of CBC.




  1. All CBC Officers must be of an upstanding and trustworthy character and “MUST” be always in ‘good standing’ with CBC.

  2. Nominations of CBC Officers will be made by all CBC Members that are in ‘good standing’ beginning at the October meeting. The CBC President (speaking on behalf of all the current CBC Officers) may also make appropriate nominations for Officer Positions.

  3. Once the nominations have been made, the CBC Secretary will prepare the listing for the Officer nominations based upon review of the CBC membership attendance records for eligibility. Upon COMPLETION, the CBC Secretary/Webmaster will publish the nomination list on the CBC’s Website prior to the November Meeting.

  4. At the November Meeting, the nomination eligibility list will be amended to include any CBC Member whose attendance at the meeting makes him/her eligible.

  5. The CBC Vice-President will notify the CBC Membership that the election will be held during the December Meeting.

  6. The CBC Officers will be elected by secret ballot, by a simple majority of the CBC Membership present, that are in ‘good standing’ at the December Meeting.

  7. Votes on each office will be separate.





  1. All elected CBC Officers shall serve a term of one (1) year beginning with the January meeting and lasting through the next election meeting.




  1. In the event an office becomes vacant, the CBC Secretary shall notify the CBC Membership at least five days prior to the next regular meeting that nominations and election will be held to fill the unexpired term of said officer at the meeting.

  2. In the event the office of CBC Secretary becomes vacant, the CBC President shall appoint a CBC Member to send notification to the CBC Membership.






  1. The By-Laws, Policies and Procedures of the Celina Bass Club (CBC) may only be amended once per year unless as dictated by changes in state and/or federal law(s) or by necessary safety issues and/or requirements.

  2. The By-Laws cannot be altered except by amendment with the only exception to ‘clean up’ language and/or correction of grammar.

  3. The Policies and Procedures of the Celina Bass Club (CBC) can be suspended by 2/3 vote of the CBC membership present at any monthly meeting.




  1. CBC Members wishing to amend the By-Laws or Policies and Procedures must present a written amendment THAT clearly states the proposed change in the form of a motion to the CBC President before the November regular meeting.

  2. At the November meeting the CBC President will read the submitted proposed amendment(s) and call for a second from the membership. If seconded, the Membership will have the opportunity to discuss the proposed amendment.

  3. A majority vote by the Membership present at the December meeting will decide WHETHER the amendment shall be ‘considered’.

  4. The ‘considered’ amendment(s) which are carried during the December meeting will be published on the website or sent to all the Membership by email, so Members become aware of the proposed changes.

  5. During the December meeting a final vote will be taken on the proposed changes as written and at this time NO DISCUSSION will be heard.

  6. Passage of proposed amendment(s) will require two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Members present during the December meeting.

  7. The proposed amendment(s) that are passed will take effect January 1st unless otherwise stated in the amendment.

  8. The “revised” By-Laws and/or Policies and Procedures will be published as soon as possible after the November meeting.






  1. The point accumulation process begins in January and ends in October of each year.

  2. Points are determined by adding the following.

All regular meeting points and tournament point accumulation (Placing position plus total weight at each tournament).

All event points defined.

  1. FIVE points are awarded to Members who are present and accounted for by the Secretary.

  2. Each CBC Member is responsible for ensuring they are accounted for.

  3. No meeting points shall be given to a CBC Member who fail to sign the attendance sheet at the conclusion of the monthly meeting.

  4. There are 12 regular meetings each year, however the maximum number of attainable meeting points is 50 (Due to the point system ending in October).

  5. If a CBC Member misses a regular monthly meeting due to representing the Celina Bass Club at a function CBC supports, then that CBC Member shall be awarded the meeting points for that meeting missed.

  6. All Members who have paid the tournament fee and weigh-in 0 fish will be awarded 1 point less than the Member who brings in the lowest weight. For only ONE tournament per season, Members may pay the tournament fee, not fish the tournament and be AWARDED 10 POINTS LESS THAN THE MEMBER WHO BRINGS IN THE LOWEST WEIGHT.

  7. Guest(s) may fish one (1) monthly tournament in a year and are awarded places but will not receive any points.



First Place will be awarded 100 points plus the total weight of their fish. Each additional place after that will be awarded one point less than proceeding place plus their total weight of fish.

  • 99 - Plus second place weight.

  • 98 – Plus third place weight.

And so forth for remaining participants placing.

First Place Big Bass will be awarded 5 points and Second Place Big Bass will be awarded 2 points added to the team’s total.





Monthly Big Bass Award-First Place and Second Place.


  1. The ‘First and Second Place Big Bass’ winners shall receive the Big Bass money ($10.00 paid by each contestant willing to participate) and First Place Big Bass will be awarded 5 points and Second Place Big Bass will be awarded 2 points added to the team’s total.

  2. To be eligible for ‘Big Bass’, a bass must be caught during the regularly scheduled fishing hours of the CBC tournament.


CBC Angler of the Year


  1. At the end of the year, the CBC Member with the highest total points per Section 5.01 shall be called “Celina Bass Club ANGLER OF THE YEAR”.


The “CBC ANGLER OF THE YEAR” will receive the following at the discretion of the individual:

  1.  Custom hoodie and $100 gift card. A tie will result in each angler receiving a hoodie and a $50 gift card.  

  2.  Paid membership dues for the following year. A tie will result in each angler receiving $50 off membership dues for the following year.


Classic Champion(s)


  1. Each member of the winning team or individual winner of the Classic Tournament will receive a custom hoodie.  




  1. During November meeting all lakes are chosen by the top 10 teams in the point standings for the February through October regular tournaments. There must be two (2) new lakes selected that were not fished before the previous season.

  2. Any date changes will be included on the CBC Website.

  3. A lake may be fished as many times as selected by CBC top 10 teams.

  4. For all CBC tournaments, the lakes that are fished must be located within 175-mile radius of Celina, TEXAS.

  5. The CBC tournament schedule consists of eight (1) day tournaments and one-two (2) day tournament for a total of 10 tournaments.  All tournaments will be held on the first weekend of each month except for a holiday weekend, then the tournament shall be held the following weekend. 

  6. The Celina Bass Club (CBC) shall hold at least one mandatory two-day tournament, which can be greater than the allowable 175-mile radius for a one-day tournament, per year.







  1. All CBC sanctioned events will fish as ‘TEAM TOURNAMENT’ format consisting of no more than two (2) anglers per team. Any angler my choose to fish an event as (solo team) an individual competitor but will be responsible for the entry fee equal to that of a two (2) person team ($50.00) plus $20.00 to the classic fund, plus    optional $10.00 big bass, plus $5.00 for the 8lb pot (if eligible). (See Section 2.03-item 4).

  2. All Federal and Texas State Game Laws Must Be Observed. Violators will be disqualified.

  3. Anglers must be off the Tournament Lake by 6:00 pm the day before the tournament. No fishing or scouting is allowed after the 6:00 pm deadline on the Tournament Lake.

  4. All boaters shall have a minimum of 75 feet between boats unless mutually agreed upon.

  5. All fish must be caught on artificial lures including pork rinds.

  6. All fish must be caught using only one rod per angler. Each cast must be completed before the next cast is made.

  7. Trolling, bank fishing, wading, drift fishing, and tube fishing are not permitted. You may not exit the boat to land a fish during the tournament.

  8. Largemouth, Smallmouth, Spotted, and Guadalupe Bass are the only legal fish weighed-in during the CBC’s monthly point’s tournament.

  9. Largemouth, Smallmouth, Guadalupe bass must be at least 14” unless state laws specify a longer length in inches. Illegal fish (under 14” results in 1lb penalty and the illegal fish will be disqualified).

  10. Fish will be measured on a commercial grade flat fish measuring device, like a “Golden Rule”, marked in 1/8” increments. The fish will be measured on a flat board with the mouth closed and tail compressed to get the maximum length as per Texas Parks and Wildlife Department fish measurement policy.

  11. Live Fish Weigh-In Format with five or three fish brought to the scale based on lake rules. NOTE: Applies to “Slot” lakes as well.

  12. The CBC Tournament Director shall be the Tournament Chairman for all of CBC’s monthly tournaments and supervises the weigh-in.

  13. The CBC Tournament Director decision at the monthly tournaments is final.

  14. The OFFICIAL Tournament start, and weigh-in time will be kept by the CBC’s Tournament Director’s time. It is each angler’s responsibility to contact the TD regarding times and ramps.

  15. Participants must be at the weigh-in site at the designated weigh-in time. If an angler is not present at the designated time and place, he/she will not be allowed to weigh-in fish or receive tournament points.

  16. All CBC tournament participants must use a serviceable weigh-in bag that contains sufficient water of good quality to support the life of bass while bringing fish to the scales for weighing.

  17. For all live weigh-in tournaments, a ‘dead bass’ penalty will be assessed to CBC members bringing dead bass to the scales at .5lbs (1/2 pound) for each dead fish.

  18. In the event of a tie for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, the weight of the big fish between the competitors tied for each place will break the tie. Competitor is responsible for selecting his/her biggest bass weight. If the competitors are still tied, then they will split the payout for the tied place. Example: Tied for second, then second and third payout will be conjoined and split the total!  If there is a tie between competitors and only one competitor weighed his/her biggest bass, then the competitor who had a fish weighed will win the tie breaker.

  19. Tie breaker for big bass will be total number of fish weighed by each team, then total weight for each team. If still tied, then the big bass payout will be split.

  20. It is the responsibility of each participant to insure his/her name is placed on the CBC tournament attendance sheet.

  21. The CBC Tournament Director in conjunction with the CBC Treasurer will prepare the attendance sheet before weigh-in.

  22. If for any reason a CBC Member and/or Guest participating in a CBC tournament leaves/departs the tournament without notifying the CBC Tournament Director or any Officer that Member and/or Guest will forfeit all points for that tournament. Further, the CBC Member may be determined to be ineligible to participate in the NEXT CBC tournament for this type of conduct, which is a safety violation and will not be tolerated. 

  23. Leaving due to acclimate weather = 0 points. Leaving due to a family emergency/injury equal point granted.


SECTION 6.02 – WEARING OF PFD (Personal Floatation Device)


  1. All participants in a CBC tournament will be required to wear an appropriate U.S. Coast Guard approved PFD when the outboard engine is engaged.  

  2. The operator of the boat will be required to have a working ‘kill switch’ always attached to his/her PFD when the outboard engine is engaged in compliance with Kali's law. 




  1. If the Tournament Director believes weather to be hazardous during the travel to tournament site, the tournament shall be cancelled on the eve of the contest and rescheduled for the following Saturday.

  2. If conditions become hazardous on the day of the tournament prior to launching, Tournament Director will make the final decision at the launch site immediately before the tournament begins to determine if a tournament will commence as scheduled or if a delay is necessary.

  3. If conditions become hazardous during the tournament and all boats have launched it is the discretion of the Member to stay on the water or not.






  1. Members (Teams) who have fished SIX tournaments or fished FOUR/FIVE tournaments and paid for ONE/TWO to qualify for the Classic.

  2. Guests are NOT ALLOWED to fish the Classic.

  3. Classic Lake may have been selected for the regular tournament year.

  4. Classic Lake is OFF LIMITS 30 Days prior to the tournament date.  Official practice days are Thursday and Friday of the week of the Classic from safe light until 6 pm each day.  

  5. Classic tournaments do not count toward point accumulation.

  6. The Classic takes place the last weekend of October of each year.








  1. Lake WILL BE SELECTED by Member majority vote who are eligible for the Classic Championship and present for the duration at the August Meeting. 

  2. No Slot/Minimum Length Lakes are eligible for the Classic Championship

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